Mobile Hut, a brand with a long history in technology-focused products, has positioned itself as an ally that facilitates people's daily lives. In a context of growth and diversification, where the organization is branching out into new types of products for the Latin American market, the new brand “Panabana” has been created.
For this, a new name, strategic definitions, and identity were defined to position the brand as an empowering experience that encourages people to be authentic and approach life with joy.

La identidad de marca se basa en los conceptos de la alegría, cercanía y autenticidad, a través de colores vivos y aplicación de formas orgánicas que referencien el concepto de beach lifestyle que conectan la sensación de descanso, relajo y diversión. El logotipo se basa en la intervención tipográfica para transmitir el espíritu joven de la marca con gestos únicos. Panabana es ver la vida con simpleza y lograr las metas que nos ponemos, con pasión y diversión.
The brand identity is based on the concepts of joy, closeness, and authenticity, using vibrant colors and the application of organic shapes that reference the concept of beach lifestyle, connecting the feeling of relaxation, leisure, and fun. The logo is based on typographic intervention to convey the brand's youthful spirit with unique gestures. Panabana is about seeing life simply and achieving our goals with passion and fun.

Proyecto para www.sientecinco.cl
Naming y estrategia: Antonia Necochea
Identidad: Viviana Díaz
Naming y estrategia: Antonia Necochea
Identidad: Viviana Díaz