Undurraga Sparkling, a well-recognized brand in the world of sparkling wines, embarked on a project to redesign its identity in order to reflect its unique essence in a clearer and more contemporary way. To achieve this, a secondary logo was designed to become a hallmark of the experience the brand delivers with its sparkling wine, representing authenticity and spontaneity, and emphasizing the value it holds in the lives of its users.

La paleta de colores resalta el naranjo vibrante de la marca, transmitiendo la alegría que los caracteriza e inspirando optimismo. Al color principal se sumaron dos colores neutros para darle aire a la identidad, representando una pausa en la rutina diaria para desconectar y respirar, creando un equilibrio perfecto.
The color palette highlights the brand's vibrant orange, transmitting the joy that characterizes them and inspiring optimism. Two neutral colors were added to the main color to give air to the identity, representing a pause in the daily routine to disconnect and breathe, creating a perfect balance.

La tipografía que se usó, Margem, una sans humanista diseñada para brillar en títulos y representar a la comunidad generada en torno a la actitud Be Sparkling, va más allá de un simple elemento de diseño. Es lo que permite articular el discurso de la marca y transmitir su mensaje de manera clara y cercana.
The font used, Margem, a humanist sans designed to shine in titles and represent the community generated around the Be Sparkling attitude, goes beyond a simple design element. It is what allows the brand's discourse to be articulated and its message transmitted in a clear and familiar way.

Para dar vida a la Actitud Be Sparkling, se diseñaron elementos gráficos inspirados en el espumante y tres grillas de composición que reflejan los momentos de diversión, desconexión y conmemoración asociados a las instancias en las que se toma el espumante. El objetivo es que se puedan usar los elementos de manera dinámica y diversa; en conjunto con imágenes de situaciones y personas reales, para transmitir la espontaneidad, optimismo y autenticidad de la marca.
To bring the Be Sparkling Attitude to life, graphic elements inspired by the sparkling wine and three composition grids were designed that reflect the moments of fun, disconnection and commemoration associated with the instances in which the sparkling wine is drunk. The objective is that the elements can be used in a dynamic and diverse way; in conjunction with images of real situations and people, to convey the spontaneity, optimism and authenticity of the brand.

En conjunto, los elementos forman una identidad visual vibrante y alegre que transmite la filosofía de Undurraga Sparkling, creando una experiencia de marca coherente y consistente.
Together, the elements form a vibrant and joyful visual identity that conveys the Undurraga Sparkling philosophy, creating a cohesive and consistent brand experience.
Proyecto para www.sientecinco.cl